The family tree doesn't appear. There is an error message
You have a display problem, an error message like "an error has occured" appears and you are asked to refresh the page ? Try to empty the cache of your internet browser : For Windows, use the keyboard combination Shift + F5 or Ctrl + F5. For Linux, ...
How to add an event in your tree ?
In the profile, click on the Event button
How to enter the witnesses, godparents ?
In the profile : Click on the pencil then on adda particpant Choose the role and enter the name and firt name(s)
How to change the root of my tree (sosa 1) ?
Here it’s how to choose and change the root of your treen the sosa 1 : · Open your genealogy Click on the settings icon (on the top right next to the printer). Click on Settings. · Click on the person you want to modify on the source ...
How to create a tree for free ?
Create and enter your genealogy for free on Filae ! Take advantage of the available tools : maps, research monitoring, statistics... You can also invite relatives so that they can consult the results of your research. Create an account on Filae ...
How to enter a divorce ?
In the profile, click on the Event button and you’ll be able to add a divorce.
How to add an occupation ?
Go to close relatives or profile. The occupation is an event that allow to enter a date, a place…
How to indicate a non-marital relationship or a cohabitation ?
You can indicate the information in the profile. You can add one or more notes to a person.
Can we add notes ?
You can add one or more notes for each person in your genealogy. In the profile, in the tree, click on + Notes
How to add children ?
Go to close relatives or profile. Click on add a child if the person don’t have any If the relative already have children, click on + Person Click on + child Beware that if the person as various spouse, you need to select the right parent by choosing ...