Tree settings
How can I rename a tree ?
To rename a tree, we invite you to follow those instructions : Enter the tree you want to rename Click on the Settings icon (1) Click on Parameters (2) You can modify the name of the tree by clicking on it. Click on the Save button below
How to delete a tree ?
· Once the tree is on the screen, we invite you to click o nthe Setting icon (on the right of the printer) · Click on Settings · Go down and click on Delete the tree Check on the options. · Click on Delete the tree
Can we put various genealogies ?
You can enter as many genealogies as you wish : Once connected on Filae, click on the Tree menu. Click on All the trees to view all the trees on your account. Still in the Trees menu, clicj on Create a tree or Import a GEDCOM to add a genealogy ! To ...
My tree disapeared ! How to find it ?
You connect to your account and in the Tree menu, your tree doesn’t appear ? Click on the menu on Tree, then on all trees to check the presence of the genealogy If there are no genealogies : Are you sure you didn’t delete the genealogy ? Is it ...
How to hide confidential information ?
You want to hide contemporary data (dates, places…) in your family tree for you and your relatives (kids, brothers and sisters…) ? In your tree, click on the settings icon on the right Click on confidentiality Check partial display or full mask. ...
How to put a tree on private ?
You can put your family tree on private if you don’t want other members to access it. In your tree, click on the Settings icon on the right Click on settings On the bottom of the page, check Private tree Check if you wish « Prevent integration of ...
Why is my genealogy on your website ?
The genealogies are put online by the users : Directly on our website Import of the family tree by gedcom If all your genealogy is present on our website and if contempory data appears : You can contact the owner of the tree if you are Premium. You ...