I want to share my tree with my family

I want to share my tree with my family

To share your tree, you must send an invitation : 

Send the invitation

  1. Once the tree on the screen, click on the Setting icon on the top right then on Invitations

  2. Click on New invitation

  3. Enter the email of the person
  4. Click on Send.

The person will receive a message

I just create my family tree on Filae : Genealogy XXX. 


I invite you to consult it now. 


See you soon, 



Connect for free on the website to appreciate the results of your research.


To connect to the tree, use those identifiers :

email : XXX 

password : XXX


This invitation will allow you to benefit from Filae’s free services (print tree, create your own trees ...)


Click here to choose your identification keys and access the family tree of Genealogy XXX

The person has all the elements to connect.  once connected, the person will be able to click on the Tree menu then on All the trees.

The person will see the genealogy on "trees I can access". By clicking on it, they'll have a free access to the tree.

For the invitations, a Premium account is not necessary to access to that genealogy, but that one only. 
If yoy want to see more and access all our ressources, you need to be Premium.

    Vous n'avez pas trouvé l’information dans les questions & réponses ? Contactez-nous !

    Par email  :    Envoyez-nous un message , réponse dans un délai de 2 jours ouvrés maximum. Merci de votre patience. 
    Par téléphone  : du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 17h au (numéro non surtaxé – coût d’un appel local) 
    Par courrier  : Filae S.A. Service client - Tour Gamma B - 193/197 rue de Bercy - 75582 PARIS CEDEX 12 (Merci d'indiquer votre adresse email) 
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